
2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

The Coursera Experience

Hello and greetings critical viewers! Today, I wanted to talk about my experience in coursera with you. Starting from the day our teacher told us that we could attend online courses and get certificates I've been really intrigued in these online course sites, I've overviewed each of the sites our teacher mentioned and I've decided to go with coursera, which seemed the most convenient one to me. The site design was pretty simple and tidy, you could easily reach anything you wanted to. I've gone into the site and since I am so much into language I've searched for courses of lagnauges and I've come across a few, chinese korean and there was spanish I guess but I did not want to learn spanish since it's rather similar to english, I told to myself "Hey why not go with a language that has a different alphabet, but not that complex?" and yes as you guessed it, I went for the Korean course. Took me a while to figure out the alphabet and how it worked but

Storybird, a fun little comic-creating site!

Greetings, critical viewers! So, this time I've tried out this site of Storybird. It's a fun little site of creating comics of your own. You basically choose a template -a pre-drawn comic pattern- and add the texts according to the context. This could easily be used within classroom context as mini-reminders for students or to add up a little fun into the tense school enviorenment. I've had a lot of fun creating mine. Another thing I've noticed is that there are lots of template to choose from with a whole range of context. There are various templates like superheroes, classroom, hospital, adventure and many more. Again could be helpful to learners in having fun while learning especially those younger ones. Could be really good for reminders while teaching a topic as well, I've observed many of these being used in our coursepacks so it's already being used but when teaching is totally book-free these will come in real handy. Anyways I'm sharing my Storybir

Quizlet; A great way to learn and revise!

Yo, hello again critical thinkers! Today I've had a gander at this beautiful site of Quizlet. I've used it many times before when my exams were headed my way and I wouldn't actually panic because I knew I would pass them with the help of this fascinating website. This time I gave it a shot using it as a teacher, in a teacher's perspective and I've prepared a quiz with it in the subject of Second Language Acquisition. I kept it very simple so you wouldn't even break a sweat while occupying yourself with this Quizlet I've put together. Here's the Link to it, Enjoy! and keep thinking critically :) You could also reach the site from here.

Mindmeister; that Semantic mapping site!

Greetings fellow critical thinkers! So today, I've decided to pay a visit to this web page called Mindmeister. It seemed intriguing at first sight, it was a mind-mapping site afterall. So I went on the webpage and first thing I notice is that the site offers you some fields on which you are going to use this mindmap. One of them was education without a doubt, the most essential one in my opinion but there were some for business, marketing and stuff like that so this website definitely could be used for education but also it's a great source for those who are in need of a site on which they could easily create mind maps. So this process of drawing a mind map or semantic map whatever you want to call them is very easy, the thing is they give you the required information right off the bat and even if you forget about the tools to use you could easily click the "Information" button at the top right corner so you don't necessarily need to start from scratch when crea

QR Codes are amazing.

Greetings Critical viewers! Today I've looked into some new ways to add a little spice to your lesson/lecture, that is QR Codes everyone! Not only for lessons or lecture you could actually use these in any field of your life, if you're sufficiently creative, that is. You already know QR codes right? They are those weirdly shaped squares and boxes and squares in boxes, they are rather assymetrical but they do provide some sort of link with them. When scanned they send you right to those links you intended to create them with. Took me only a few seconds to create mine so it's really easy to create one of these, unless you're a three year old. I'm going to leave the link I've created these in below so that you could give it a try too! And obviously, I'm not going to cut you guys off on my beautiful creations. So regardless,  HERE  is the link that you could make gorgeous QR codes with! And here they are; my QR codes, they're a bit cringy but you would

Language Applications and Sites Part II

Welome back critical viewers! I am right back at you with a brand new post about language apps and sites, this is the second chapter that I'm writing and in this post I'm writing about two language apps/sites again just as in the previous one. Buusuu: So, about this one... So this is just like the other language apps, gives you 13 languages to choose from, that is less than mondly which is a downside. Starts off with basic introduction and greetings and meetings and stuff, like getting acquainted with people you don't know about. The thing I liked about this one is that it provides you with vocabulary and it's  pronunciation, if you're that guy/ girl who is into all kinds of pronunciations and accents like me, you'd love this and it also voices them with the indicated gender's voice for example in some dialogues where a male and female speaker is present, the voice-overs are done accordingly. Pretty good job so far! Buusuu Memrise:This one's dif

Language Applications and Sites Part I

Hello and welcome again critical viewers! Today I'm going to be talking about some language apps and sites, there will be a second chapter to this soon so stay tuned for that, in this one though, I'm going to be reviewing two apps, Mondly: So yeah, mondly is a language application that serves you a very wide array of 53 languages in one application. The bad thing about these apps, I'm going to admit right off the bat, is that they don't necessarily urge you to communicate, so they're not communicative which does not allow them to be memorable. This is a great obstacle for learning languages, it's just full of drills and repetitions until you memorize the whole thing, by the way they've got paid AR and VR courses but I could not afford them so you're going to have to make do with this review. You choose your native tongue and your target language and basically start off with vocabulary drills and tests (Obviously for 9 year olds) [ Just kidding =)

Games in Education

Greetings Critical Viewers, Today I'm going to be taking about the adaptation of video games into educational settings. First of all the gaming industry has evolved and taken a whole different shape in the last few decades. The puzzles, problems, lore could really support one's learning process and since games provide visual, audial and kineasthetic elements have a great role in accelarating the process of learning. For example, if carefully implemented a learner could really benefit from games in terms of vocabulary and grammar, when the player hears a word he doesn't know the meaning of, he could instantly look it up and learn the meaning. With the exposure to the target language, one can get used to it and start comprehending the basic structures of that language. With puzzles and problems, games really contribute to the problem-solving ability of learners that is necessary in certain school subjects like mathematics or Physics. The lore of the game could interest the p

My Kahoot!

https://create.kahoot.it/share/countries-and-what-they-re-famous-for/2741e614-1022-443d-b44e-9fc743dc8163 Hello guys!  Above you can see my kahoot! I've prepared. It consists of 10 questions and the topic is countries and what they're famous for. I've tried my best to put this together. You could give it a look and let me know if it's good enough or not! I'm looking forward to getting your feedbacks on this. Have a great day/night guys!


Hello everyone! So I tried to make a presentation about Turkey in Sutori and this is what I came up with. I know it's not that rich but there you have it, enjoy!

Second Life Experience

Greetings Critical Viewers, So I've looked into this Second life game, at first glance it seemed to be a very useful game for teachers because it provided limitless potential of creation so you could basically do anything you want with this game. I've signed in and logged in and it directly put me into London City. I've tried to access our university campus from the "Places" tab but such kind of place didn't show up there so I took this selfie in London unfortunately. My first impressions are very good, first of all it's a very interactive platform as could be inferred from the name "Second Life" it imitates and simulates daily life just like The Sims does. I've found it quite immersing you can get easily preoccupied with this game. Even though at first five minutes I've suffered from a lot of lag it passed after those five minutes so I relate those problems to the density of players in my area. In this game , I see a lot of potential,

Powtoon Animation

Greetings Critical Viewers, Took me around 5 minutes to come up with this to be totally honest, but frankly speaking, it's an amazing site to make presentations for your students as well as for business workers when it comes to giving presentations in meetings. I'd highly recommend using it if you're a teacher or a business personnel. Here in this video I've tried to tell about making suggestions with the use of should, ought to and Why sentences. Have a great Day/Night guys!

Virtual Reality in a Nutshell

So hello guys, Due to some unfortunate events, I couldn't try out the Google Cardboard glasses our teacher got us, but hey here's a video from Oculus the Greatest Innovative Company that builds VR glasses. So yeah I guess their last VR glasses produced were Oculus Quest which are similar to Oculus rift but wireless, how cool is that! You can move completely freely while wearing these glasses and the cool thing is with the positional tracking, it understands you're walking irl and transfers the motion into the virtual space. With the help of the hand controllers you can interact with anything you want too! (Even though you can't feel the things in your hands) So talking about VR, it gives a limitless oppurtunity since it's an imaginative place, you can mess around with anything you want and create worlds beyond imagination. Since you're wearing the glasses it give you a first-hand experience unlike those Rectangular Monitor Screens, so basically they get you real

Augmented Reality in Education

So friends! This was a really exhilirating experience for me because it was the first time we got to use augmented reality in education. I've never actually realized this in real life before so it was kind of fun to me, we got to use 3d gifs in real life situation, was a lot of fun! I did 4 videos and adjoined them and with a tiny bit of editing (Background music) dish is served! Hope you enjoy and I'd like to thank our teacher Tuncer Can, my sincerest gratitudes for granting us this experience, this will probably have a huge impact on the most of us. Have a great Day/Night guys! :)

Profession Interview Activity

Hi everyone! Here's a short activity I designed for my students. I know it's a very basic one but it's up to their imagination to come up with brilliant results. Take a peek, and leave your opinions down below! ^-^

Colours, how to pronounce them and some fun activities.

Hello everyone, Here's  the Padlet I've created, it's so basic since I decided to work on the subject of Colours which is a vocabulary subject for 1st graders. I think I've supplemented it with songs and some visual stimulus just fine. Hope you like it too ^-^

Noam Chomsky's LAD and Child Language Acquisition

Hello everyone, So this was quite cringy for me to put together so I hope you could tolerate my strange pauses and stutters and also slips of tongue. The video is rather self-descriptive so I'm not going to get into the details about the topic, hope you like it. (This did not involve any preperation by the way, after doing a short research I just went improvisational, could be better but, yeah...) Have a great Day/Night!

Factors affecting ELL

Hello everyone, today I've looked into the topic of Factors affecting Foreign Language Learning which coincides with the topic of Factors affecting Learning English as a Foreign Language. I've made a list and gave an Improvisational and Informational Speech on it. Above you can reach the Podcast I've put together. Hope you could learn things from it, if you've got any questions in your mind you could leave them in the comments and I'll try my best to respond to each and every single one of them.

Networking ; Connecting with fellow blogpersons!

Networking is all sorts of fun! I have received the information that people have been networking all this time, people have been clicking links to links to other links so I decided to make a networking activity too, because why not? I've got some fellow peeps waiting on my door to share some of their links with you guys so that you could go ahead and pay a visit to their blogs as well. They are also genuinely great in terms of content and sincerity. They've also got the critical thinking skills that this blog is all about! now I'm going to move on to sharing some of my fellow peeps' blogs with you. Muhammed's Blog  <------ Definitely worth checking out. Talha's Blog  <------- I'd most certainly take a gander at this one. Hakan's Blog  <------- Could be good to pay a visit to! Ömer's Blog  <----------- I don't know what to say anymore, just go check them out. Kaan's Blog  <------ Yes, you do that and I'll b

Testing 1,2,3...

Hello, and welcome to my Blog! It is I, the Harshly Critical one. First things first, this blog is going to be all about thinking critically, I should declare that right off the bat. I'll be writing my blogposts meticulously don't you worry, friends. I think that's enough for an initial post, you're going to have to make do with this. I serve my gratitudes to you for reading this!