Hello and welcome again critical viewers! Today I'm going to be talking about some language apps and sites, there will be a second chapter to this soon so stay tuned for that, in this one though, I'm going to be reviewing two apps, Mondly: So yeah, mondly is a language application that serves you a very wide array of 53 languages in one application. The bad thing about these apps, I'm going to admit right off the bat, is that they don't necessarily urge you to communicate, so they're not communicative which does not allow them to be memorable. This is a great obstacle for learning languages, it's just full of drills and repetitions until you memorize the whole thing, by the way they've got paid AR and VR courses but I could not afford them so you're going to have to make do with this review. You choose your native tongue and your target language and basically start off with vocabulary drills and tests (Obviously for 9 year olds) [ Just kidding =) ...