The Coursera Experience
Hello and greetings critical viewers! Today, I wanted to talk about my experience in coursera with you. Starting from the day our teacher told us that we could attend online courses and get certificates I've been really intrigued in these online course sites, I've overviewed each of the sites our teacher mentioned and I've decided to go with coursera, which seemed the most convenient one to me. The site design was pretty simple and tidy, you could easily reach anything you wanted to. I've gone into the site and since I am so much into language I've searched for courses of lagnauges and I've come across a few, chinese korean and there was spanish I guess but I did not want to learn spanish since it's rather similar to english, I told to myself "Hey why not go with a language that has a different alphabet, but not that complex?" and yes as you guessed it, I went for the Korean course. Took me a while to figure out the alphabet and how it worked but...